Education Law.
Education Law.

Wasserman Legal is guided by a simple principle -- students obtain the most benefit from a special education process that provides appropriate accommodations and services, yet preserves the personal relationships among parents and the key individuals in the school district, especially those who supervise and provide such services. In the big picture, those relationships are essential to student success.
All too often, however, parents face a significant uphill battle to obtain -- and maintain or modify -- such accommodations and services. As a result, the process ends up adversarial, pitting parents against administrators, to the ultimate detriment of the student. It is to everyone's benefit -- parents, schools and students alike -- to try to avoid the fight. That's how Wasserman Legal can help.
We will approach the school district in a spirit of cooperation and reasonableness to effectuate a well-reasoned, individualized, child-focused education plan best suited to each student's particular needs, thereby taking the time and emotional burden off of parents. In this way, regardless of the result, we can preserve and foster a positive personal relationship between parents and the school district.
Of course, we live in the real world, where not every issue will be solved by best intentions. In the absence of a mutually-agreeable resolution, Wasserman Legal will bring its substantial experience litigating complex disputes to fight vigorously for the rights of students.